Planning a Destination Wedding you always have to be sure you got the proper documentation and make the proper arranging for the legally part of the wedding.
These are the requirements you need to know in order to have everything ready for your special day.
In order for US citizens to be legally married in Costa Rica, a lawyer or judge must officiate the civil ceremony.
For the wedding to be legal in the United States, Americans getting married in Costa Rica will need to have their marriage certificate translated, notarized, and submitted to the proper authorities - generally, the presiding lawyer will handle those details.
One month prior to your wedding, couples should complete a form of key information
a. Birth Certificates for both (you'll need to be at lest 18 years old)
b. Valid Passports
c. Divorce papers or letters stipulating to their single status (divorce papers may need to indicate the previous marriage ended at least 300 days earlier)
d. Police Records
4. You need Two non-family witnesses, sometimes the lawyers or the wedding planners/coordinators should be able to find them for you if necessary.
5. No residency or Blood test are requirements for foreigners
6. Roman Catholicism is the nation's official religion, making it a suitable location for Catholics to elope as well as anyone interested in a unique, tropical event.
Symbolic wedding ceremonies in Costa Rica are more popular option for couples to choose, since they do not require any of the above.
For updated legal requirements, couples are advised to consult a Costa Rican marriage attorney.
